
I don't need to tell you to hire neurodivergent employees, you already do!

15-20% of the general population is neurodivergent - including up to 10% of people who are diagnosed with dyslexia, 5% diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and 1-2% with autism¹. In some industries and departments these numbers are even higher: 8.5% of software developers are diagnosed with ADHD and 3.7% with autism².

An accommodation is defined as an adjustment to a job or work environment that makes it possible for an individual with a disability to perform their job duties. In reality everyone at the workplace benefits from accommodations, as they foster an inclusive environment, where everyone can communicate and perform better. They include 5 main areas: communication, personalization, tools, policies, leadership.

Most of these accomodations (68.4%) are either very effective or extremely effective. 49.4% of employers said the accommodations needed by their employee cost nothing. Another (43.3%) experienced a one-time cost. Only 7.2% said the accommodation resulted in an ongoing, annual cost to the company³.

Direct Benefits of accommodations

  • Retained a valued employee: 85%
  • Increased the employee’s productivity: 53%
  • Increased the employee's attendance: 48%
  • Eliminated costs associated with training a new employee: 46%
  • Increased diversity of the company: 33%
  • Saved workers' compensation or other insurance costs: 23%
  • Hired a qualified person with a disability: 18%
  • Promoted an employee: 8%

Indirect Benefits of accommodations

  • Improved interactions with co-workers: 34%
  • Increased safety: 31%
  • Increased overall company morale: 30%
  • Improved interactions with customers: 22%
  • Increased overall company productivity: 21%
  • Increased overall company attendance: 19%

You can find more data on  D&I in the Workplace at https://diversityeconomics.org/

Neurodiversity - autism at the workplace

Contact me to organize your workshop on neurodiversity

By fostering a neurodiverse-friendly environment, you can unlock the full potential of your team and build a more successful and innovative organization.

In my workshops, I provide practical strategies and insights to communicate across different neurotypes.

I understand the challenges of a neurodiverse team, with a focus on ADHD and autism. I can help you to create a productive and supportive environment where your team can thrive.



Conflict resolution

Team dynamics


Alice and Bob - A neurospicy relationship